Rocket League Esports Wiki
NRG Esports
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Team Information
North America
Logitech G
Gamer Sensei
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NRG Esports is a professional Rocket League team.


Creation of NRG

In December 2015, Andy Miller and Mark Mastrov--the two co-owners of The Sacramento Kings--as well as their associate Gerard Kelly founded NRG eSports. Quickly following the organization’s founding, Alex Rodriguez, Shaquille O’Neal, and Jimmy Rollins invested in the California gaming enterprise, allowing for Miller, Kastrov, and Kelly’s operation to further their venture into the world of competitive gaming.

RLCS Season 2

NRG entered Season 2 of RLCS during week 2 with the acquisition of the team Kings of Urban, which consisted of Fireburner, Jacob, and Sadjunior. NRG finished the remainder of League Play with each series pushed to game 5. They won 3 of their 4 remaining matches, losing only to Orbit, which placed them as the second seed moving into regionals. NRG powered through Genesis in the semifinals with a 4-1 win and maintained that momentum into the finals where they took their revenge on Orbit with a 4-2 finish. They would secure their spot in the RLCS LAN finals with a first place finish in Regionals.

NRG was hopeful of venturing past the first round, unlike their previous LAN performance, but was stopped by Precision Z with a heartbreaking 2-3 loss. They met a fellow NA team, Genesis, in the lower bracket and took a quick 3-0 sweep which pushed them into round 2. NRG faced the powerhouse EU team, Flipside Tactics. They couldn’t prevail and lost the series 1-3 to Flipside (who would go on to win RLCS Season 2).

RLCS Season 3

About a month after season 2 finished NRG was looking to change up their roster. With the recent disbandment of Exodus, GarrettG was a free agent and decided to join NRG in order to fill Sadjunior’s position. Shortly after this announcement, NRG added Vafele and Genocop as substitutes, as well as Corelli as their team manager. They prepared for the upcoming season, hopeful of proving that they still are the greatest team in North America.

NRG qualified for league play and proved that the addition of GarrettG was the missing piece. They didn’t allow a single series past game 4, swept G2_Esports, Denial, and Take 3, and only took one loss (to Genesis) throughout the entirety of the league. They ended the season with a 6-1 win/loss record and the number one seed for North America. NRG maintained their performance from league play during the regional playoffs. They met Selfless in the semi-finals with a close win which put NRG into the finals. They completely swept Atelier in the grand finals and took first place.

Tensions were high as NRG qualified for their third consecutive LAN appearance. They were knocked out in the first round during both of their previous LAN ventures, but that wasn’t the case this time. NRG swept Northern Gaming during their first match which pushed them through to face Flipside Tactics. NRG nearly lost against Flipside, but managed to pull through with a win. Mock-It eSports was their final challenge before they could progress to the grand finale. NRG made it all the way to game seven, but was unable to defeat Mock-it. After dropping into the lower bracket, NRG found themselves up against Northern Gaming again. This time though, they were unable to keep up and fell to Northern Gaming. NRG had their best LAN performance yet with a third place finish.


  • 2021
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • January 8, Jacob leaves. [1]
  • January 18, JSTN joins. [2]
  • February 8, Moses joins as a substitute for RLCS Season 5. [3]

Player Roster


C ID Name Role
GarrettG Garrett Gordon 2Starter
JSTN Justin Morales 3Starter
SquishyMuffinz Mariano Arruda 4Starter


C ID Name Role Next Team
Jacob Jacob McDowell 80Starter Roguelogo stdRogue
SadJunior Kais Zehri 80Starter Logo stdeQuinox


RLCSLogo RLCS Substitutes
C ID Name S2 S3 S4 S5
Vafele Shane Heard GreenCheck GreenCheck RedX RedX
Genocop Geno Copertino RedX GreenCheck RedX RedX
DudeWithTheNose Trevor Hannah RedX RedX GreenCheck RedX
Moses Caleb Nichols RedX RedX RedX GreenCheck


C ID Name Position
Mark Mark Mastrov Co-Owner
Andy Andy Miller Co-Owner
Atlas Gerard Kelly Co-Owner
moconinja Justin Siegel Co-Owner
Ringo Andrew Pruett CEO

Team Achievements

Team Achievements
Date Place Event Roster Winnings
2019-12-15 A11 RLCS Season 8 World Championship JSTNGarrettGTurbopolsa $ 200,000
2019-11-02 A11 Season 8 NA RLCS League Play JSTNGarrettGTurbopolsa $ 20,531.25
2019-07-07 A22 DreamHack Valencia 2019 FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 20,000
2019-06-23 A55 - 8 RLCS Season 7 World Championship JSTNGarrettGFireburner $ 22,375
2019-05-11 A11 Season 7 NA RLCS League Play JSTNGarrettGFireburner $ 38,531
2018-12-09 A77 - 8 RLCS Season 6 World Championship FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 15,000
2018-10-13 A11 Season 6 NA RLCS League Play FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 38,531
2018-06-10 A22 RLCS Season 5 World Championship FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 60,000
2018-04-21 A22 Season 5 NA RLCS Championship FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 6,500
2018-04-14 A11 Season 5 NA RLCS League Play FireburnerGarrettGJSTN $ 10,500
2018-01-28 A33 - 4 DreamHack Leipzig 2018 FireburnerGarrettGTorment $ 6,000
2017-11-12 A99 - 10 RLCS Season 4 World Championship FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 5,000
2017-10-22 A33 Northern Arena RL Invitational FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 4,000
2017-10-17 A11 PRL Rival Week II FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 700
2017-10-14 A33 Season 4 NA RLCS Championship FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 4,000
2017-10-07 A44 Season 4 NA RLCS League Play FireburnerGarrettgJacob $ 7,250
2017-08-06 A11 Brisk 7-Eleven RLCS Summer Series #3 JacobDudeWithTheNoseGarrettG $ 2,500
2017-08-04 A22 CyberPowerPC EGS Summer 2017 DudeWithTheNoseFireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 1,750
2017-08-04 A11 PRL Rival Week 1 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 600
2017-07-23 A55 - 8 DreamHack Atlanta 2017 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 1,500
2017-07-16 A11 FACEIT X Games Invitational 2017 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 30,000
2017-07-01 A11 Nexus Gaming Summer Invitational FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 600
2017-06-30 A55 - 8 Beyond ASTRONAUTS #6 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-06-25 A22 Brisk 7-Eleven RLCS Summer Series #1 JacobFireburnerGarrettG $ 1,500
2017-06-04 A33 RLCS Season 3 World Championship FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 16,000
2017-05-25 A22 Beyond ASTRONAUTS #5 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 300
2017-05-22 A11 PRL/Retrograde Charity Cup FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 600
2017-05-11 A11 Mythical Opera Weekly #35 GarrettGJacob $ 70
2017-05-06 A11 Season 3 NA RLCS Championship FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 10,000
2017-04-22 A11 Season 3 NA RLCS League Play FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 3,500
2017-04-20 A11 Liquor League Weekly #8 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 78.37
2017-04-08 A33 - 4 Season 3 NA Midseason Mayhem FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 1,250
2017-04-06 A11 Liquor League Weekly #7 GarrettGJacobTurbopolsa $ 78.37
2017-03-29 A55 - 8 Beyond ASTRONAUTS #3 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-03-24 A11 Take The Shot Monthly #3 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 775.24
2017-03-23 A33 - 4 Liquor League Weekly #6 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-03-16 A11 Liquor League Weekly #5 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 461.53
2017-03-11 I1Q Season 3 NA RLCS Open Qualifier FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-03-05 A22 ESL Go4RL NA February 2017 Final al0tFireburnerJacob $ 150
2017-03-02 A11 Liquor League Weekly #4 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 993.40
2017-02-28 A33 - 4 Beyond ASTRONAUTS #2 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-02-26 A33 - 4 (Super) Rocket Royale North America FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-02-24 A22 Take The Shot Monthly #2 al0tFireburnerJacobGarrettG $ 300
2017-02-17 I1Q Take The Shot Monthly #2 Qualifier FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-02-12 A11 ESL Go4RL NA Cup #70 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 150
2017-02-11 A11 Nexus Gaming 3v3 Weekly #13 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 150
2017-02-04 A11 Nexus Gaming 3v3 Weekly #12 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 150
2017-02-03 A55 - 8 Take The Shot Monthly #1 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-01-31 A33 - 4 Beyond ASTRONAUTS #1 FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-01-30 A33 - 4 PRL 3v3 Rivals Cup #15 JacobGarrettGTurbopolsa
2017-01-20 I1Q Take The Shot Monthly #1 Qualifier FireburnerGarrettGJacob
2017-01-13 A11 Gfinity Rocket League - January 13th FireburnerGarrettGJacob £ 100
2016-12-16 A11 Gfinity Rocket League - December 16th GarrettGJacobVafele £ 100
2016-12-04 A55 - 6 Season 2 RLCS Finals FireburnerJacobSadJunior $ 7,500
2016-11-19 A33 ESL Plantronics North America Finals FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 225
2016-11-12 A11 Season 2 NA RLCS Playoffs FireburnerJacobSadJunior $ 10,000
2016-11-04 A55 - 6 Mock-It Street League Week 4 FireburnerJacobSadJunior
2016-10-30 A11 ESL Plantronics Cup #6 al0tFireburnerGarrettG $ 300
2016-10-28 A11 Mock-It Street League Week 3 JacobSadJuniorTurbopolsaVafele $ 900
2016-10-23 A11 ESL Plantronics Cup #5 FireburnerGarrettGJacob $ 300
2016-10-22 A22 Season 2 NA RLCS Group Stage FireburnerJacobSadJunior $ 3,500
2016-10-08 A55 - 8 Season 2 NA Midseason Mayhem FireburnerJacobSadJunior $ 250


Power Rankings

Click here for a full list of all included power rankings.


  • 2017


Highlight Videos


See Also

External Links

