Rocket League Esports Wiki

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This is an i18n module. Feel free to add translations! Please keep English first in the list, and the rest of the languages should be listed alphabetically by language code.

return {
	["en"] = {
		disambigSentence = "There is a $DISAMBIG_PAGE$ associated with the name '''$ID$'''. $PLAYERS_PART$$AND$$TEAMS_PART$ $SHARE$ this ID.",
		conj_players_singular = 'player',
		conj_players_plural = 'players',
		conj_teams_singular = 'team',
		conj_teams_plural = 'teams',
		conj_share_singular = 'shares',
		conj_share_plural = 'share',
		disambig_page = 'disambiguation page',
		['and'] = ' and ',
		disambig_players = '$N_PLAYERS$ other $PLAYERS$',
		disambig_teams = '$N_TEAMS$ $TEAMS$',
		sentenceDescription = '$FIRSTNAME$$ID$ $LASTNAME$$NATIVENAME$ $IS_FOR_A_PLAYER$ a$RETIRED$ \'\'Rocket League\'\' esports $PLAYER$$PREDICATE$. $REPLACEHERE$',
		id = ' "\'\'\'%s\'\'\'"',
		nativeName = " (''%s:'' %s)",
		predicateSuspended = ' who $IS_TENSE$ $CURRENTLY$ suspended',
		predicateStandard = ', $CURRENTLY$ $TEAM_LIST$',
		roleListItem = '%s %s',
		currently = 'currently',
		previously = 'previously',
		player = 'player',
		personality = 'personality',
		native = 'native',
		is_present = 'is',
		is_past = 'was',
		also_player = ' and also plays for %s',
		also_staff = ' and also part of %s',
		staff = 'staff at',
		She = 'She',
		He = 'He',
		They = 'They',
		retired = ' retired',
	["de"] = {
		disambigSentence = "Es gibt eine $DISAMBIG_PAGE$ die mit dem Namen '''$ID$''' verbunden ist. $N_OTHER$ $PLAYERS_SHARE$ diese ID.",
		conj_players_share_singular = 'anderer Spieler teilt',
		conj_players_share_plural = ' andere Spieler teilen',
		disambig_page = 'Disambiguierungs Seite',