Rocket League Esports Wiki
Background Information
NameJames Villar
Country of Birth
United States
BirthdaySeptember 14, 1989 (age 35)
North America
Social Media & Links
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Team History
Sep 2015 - Mar 2016Logo stdDouble Tap

James Jamesbot Villar is a former professional player and an analyst for the Rocket League Championship Series. He is also a host of DFH Locker Room.


Jamesbot found Rocket League during the Playstation Plus free to play period whilst at an annual Summber DBZ Party. Immediately upon playing the game, he went home and purchased it for his PC on Steam. Along with a couple of friends, Jamesbot decided to start competing in tournaments, the first of which being the PC Needs Love tournament hosted by CloudFuel. They ended up getting to the semi-finals where they lost to Cosmic Aftershock. After that first tournament, he was hooked into the competitive scene.

One day in matchmaking of Solo Standard, Jamesbot was paired up with Fl0w and Sir Pancake III. They did so well in that one game, that he asked if they wanted to party up to play. They continued to play together and started competing in ESL under the name Double Tap, which went on to be one of the most successful early non-SARPBC veteran teams.


  • Can do a pretty accurate robot voice
  • Used to cast Evolve
  • Played Halo 2 and Halo 3 competitively, was level 50 in MLG
  • Girlfriend walked in on him playing Rocket League in the dark with a pigeon mask on.[1] The pigeon head topper in-game was created for this moment.
  • Notable for exclusively using the Merc

Camera & Controller

Player Settings (list of)
Controller Cam Shake FOV Height Angle Distance Stiffness Swivel Speed Ball Cam
No 100 100 -5.0 240 0.50 2.5 Toggle


  • Recent
  • Top Tier
Recent Achievements (full list)
Date Place Event Team Roster
2017-01-28 A33 - 4 Nexus Gaming 3v3 Weekly #11 Logo stdTHE ChicagoJamesbotVince
2016-11-09 A33 - 4 Take The Shot Weekly #5 Logo stdPIGE InsolencesJamesbotKronovi
2016-11-02 A33 - 4 Take The Shot Weekly #4 Logo stdSTEF JamesbotStevVafele
2016-09-22 A55 - 8 Gfinity Rocket League - September 22nd Logo stdSADB HeroiikzJamesbot
2016-09-08 A77 GamerSaloon Champions Group Stage Logo stdGET FindableCarpetGibbsJamesbot
2016-09-07 A22 Gfinity Rocket League - September 7th Logo stdSADB AndyChromeJamesbot
2016-07-31 A22 ESL Go4RL NA Cup #49 Logo stdEMPY DareyckJamesbotVince
2016-06-12 A55 - 8 ESL Go4RL NA Cup #42 Logo stdGET FindableCarpetGibbsJamesbot
2016-04-17 A55 - 8 Rocket Royale 2016 Week 2 Logo stdIBUY GibbsJamesbotKronovi
2016-03-09 A22 PPL Season 1 Playoffs Logo stdDOUB DigitalEspeonJamesbot
2016-03-05 A33 - 4 ESL Go4RL North America 2016 February Logo stdDOUB DigitalEspeonJamesbot
2016-02-06 A55 - 8 ESL Go4RL North America 2016 January Logo stdDOUB DigitalEspeonJamesbot
2015-11-07 A55 - 8 ESL Go4RL North America 2015 October Logo stdDOUB Fl0wJamesbotSteveGates
2015-10-03 A55 - 8 ESL Go4RL North America 2015 September Logo stdDOUB Fl0wJamesbotSir Pancake III
2025-02-01 A11 [[ESL Plantronics Cup/North America/Xbox/2016/March|]] Logo std3 OL GibbsJamesbotKyle Masc
In Premier, Major, & Minor Tournaments
Date Place Event Team Roster
2016-09-08 A77 GamerSaloon Champions Group Stage Logo stdGET FindableCarpetGibbsJamesbot
2016-04-17 A55 - 8 Rocket Royale 2016 Week 2 Logo stdIBUY GibbsJamesbotKronovi
2016-03-09 A22 PPL Season 1 Playoffs Logo stdDOUB DigitalEspeonJamesbot




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